35KV dry rectifier transformer normal use environment
Altitude: ≤1000m; Ambient temperature:
Maximum temperature: 40 ° C;
Minimum temperature: -25 ° C (outdoor dry-type transformer); Minimum temperature: -5 ° C (indoor dry-type transformer); Maximum monthly average temperature: 30 ° C; Maximum annual average temperature: 20 ° C;
The relative humidity of the surrounding air should be lower than 93%, and no water droplets should appear on the surface of the coil; the three-phase power supply voltage of the three-phase power transformer should be approximately symmetrical;
The supply voltage waveform should approximate a sine wave.
Phase shift rectifier transformer product features:
• Strong anti-short circuit capability, low loss, low no-load current, strong impact resistance, low partial discharge, low noise and strong heat dissipation.
• The performance parameters of our products are superior to GB and IEC standards.
• Safe, flame retardant, fireproof, non-polluting, can be installed directly in the load center.
• Maintenance-free, easy to install, and low overall operating costs.
• High reliability and high mechanical strength.
• Strong earthquake resistance.
• Moisture and corrosion resistance.
• Strong overload capability, long-term operation with 120% load without air cooling.
• Applicable to: urban substations with dense population and narrow locations.
ZTELEC 35KV dry rectifier transformer with high safety performance and low loss.
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